HP Street Code

HP Indonesia

Brand | Digital | Social Impact

Breaking barriers, HP connected with Indonesia’s underprivileged communities to bridge the digital divide. By providing access and skills training, HP fostered lasting impact by empowering the future workforce.


In Indonesia, a staggering number of children lack access to education, amplifying the country's growing digital divide. Enter HP, on a mission to close this gap and empower the future Indonesian workforce.

To reach the talented yet disadvantaged street community, HP needed to break free from traditional communication channels. It demanded an activation that could transcend schoolrooms, start-ups, and corporates. HP sought a transformative solution to extend digital education to those in need, paving the way for a brighter future.


We collaborated with renowned local street artist Darbotz to unleash an attention-grabbing campaign in Jakarta. Through eye-catching paste-up art, we called out for coding classes like never before and witnessed the intersection of street art and coding education ignite a spark of hope amidst adversity.


In collaboration with education partner Prestasi Junior, we revolutionized coding education with a paper-based course. This enabled us to unlock coding principles through non-digital teaching methods, engaging our audience on a deeper level. Darbotz, the revered street art icon, tapped into the street youth's coding prowess by infusing his distinctive illustrations into the course.

Through captivating street posters, our call-out resonated, filling each coding session to capacity. A makeshift classroom beneath a freeway bridge served as our hub for the transformative four-week program.

The course culminated in an awe-inspiring AR projection, crafted by the students themselves, revealing the untapped talent residing on Jakarta's streets. Passersby could witness the fusion of art, education, and limitless potential as we empowered the future through street-inspired coding mastery.


YOY market lift in HP print production sales


enrolments (target) with 100% course attendance


street posters have been scanned


Global SABRE Awards

#1 PR campaign - We're immensely proud that our HP Streetcode campaign has been honored as the #1 PR campaign at the Global SABRE Awards.